I was able to add 50 new quests to the site today. I know that updates have been pretty slow, but I do what I can do. Next week I have off and I hope to spend a good amount of time on HI2 and on here doing updates.
My next task is that all of my quest guides that should have images in them (They say things like "See here" or "Image" will have the images uploaded. I have the screen shots done and everything, I just never got around to sizing them down or merging them together (for a few quests where you have to find multiple items in a close distance). Hopefully, the hubby will work tomorrow and I'll have the day off (no classes at night) and will be able to get those done.
If anyone has any guides to send in, then feel free to send them in. I really need screen shots of mini-games (most of which I've finished, just didn't have time to get the screen shots on) and location for the land based games (like Carrot Run, Vole Holes, Pyramids, Log Jams, Anthills, etc.)